The Company shall continue operating its business based on expertise in providing sustainable financial services, and in line with its vision, mission, policies, and operating strategies formulated by the Board of Directors of the Company. The Company also has the determination to build business growth under corporate governance, social and environmental responsibilities in line with the sustainability management guideline by taking into account the best interests of all groups of stakeholders. To attain the established goals, the Company defines the policy relating to social and environmental responsibilities such as corporate governance policy, Code of Conduct, anti-corruption policy, fraud prevention policy, and safety, health and environmental policy, which have been communicated to all employees for acknowledgement and further strict compliance (details of the policies are posted on the Company’s website at

Moreover, the Company has applied the sustainable development principles and guidelines provided by The Stock Exchange of Thailand in its sustainability undertaking as it intends to build business growth long-lasting with the society, to be acceptable and reliable, and to make all shareholders, clients, suppliers, etc. support the Company’s business and services consistently. Meanwhile, the Company has studied and transformed the framework considering the development of interlinked economic, social, and environmental domains to be its sustainable development goals subject to the collection of 17 interlinked goals designed by The United Nations whereas the Company considers goals most relevant to its business operations, and applies them for its sustainable development. These need both cooperation and support from all groups of stakeholders who must mutually drive the organization to attain such established goals.

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Corporate Social Responsibility
Target and business operations to support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (Sustainable DevelopmentGoals: SDGs)

From a set of 17 SDGs, the Company has considered the SDGs that relate to the Company’s business operations and cover all economic, social and environmental Dimension as follows:

Goals 3

Good Health and Well-Being

The Company is committed to the health and well-being of everyone.

Goals 4

Quality Education

The Company encourages everyone to have quality education thoroughly and equally.

Goals 8

Decent Work and Economic Growth

The Company contributes to value creation and economic growth, employment suitable for everyone including the creation of innovation and efficient technology.

Goals 13

Climate Action

The Company is committed to taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

Managing Stakeholder Impacts in the Business Value Chain

The Company is aware of sustainability management and taking into account the Company’s activities that may affect all groups of stakeholders throughout the business value chain. Therefore, the Company has reviewed and assessed the impact as well as opportunities and risks that may occur for improving business operations to be more efficient and meet the needs of customers, shareholders, partners and all groups of stakeholders. The Company’s material sustainability issues and framework can be summarized as below.

Value Chain Management

The Company has improved its value chain to reflect its business activities, facilitate risk analyses, and business-development opportunities by emphasizing creating value for the Company, building positive effects, minimizing adverse social and environmental impacts, and appropriately responding to stakeholders’ expectations. Summary of the improvement is as follows:

Value Chain Management
1. Stakeholder Engagement
  • Clients: Clients have been constantly appraised based on surveys that gather their opinions/needs in order for the Company to find out their true needs/purposes and use the information for improving its operations.
  • Employees: All employees, especially those from the front office, play an important role in the Company’s successful pursuit of its goals. Therefore, it is important for the Company to develop its human resources and ensure that they all have adequate knowledge, expertise and skills for their jobs.
2. Smart Products & Services

The Company has leveraged innovations/technologies for the development of new products/services that are easily accessible, differentiated from competitors, and responsive to clients’ needs.

3. Smart Operations

The Company’s operations focus on building specialist teams and integrating innovations/modern technologies to its documents process for greater convenience, faster work speed, increased efficiency, personal-data protection, and protection against cyber threats etc.

4.Smart Partner

The Company has developed client relationship by providing knowledge/counseling related to its businesses, and exploring opportunities for joint ventures under “Your Partner in Success” concept.



  • Business expansion and development.
  • Good performance with consistency.
  • Transparent and fair operations.

Participation Guidelines

  • Shareholders’ Meeting
  • Providing information through varieties of channels such as investor relations.
  • Meeting with analysts, investors and fund managers.
  • Annual report.
  • Operating report on a quarterly basis.
  • Information disclosure through varieties of Company’s communication channels.
  • Opening for complaints and suggestions.

Practices to Achieve Values for Stakeholders

  • Building good performances and returns to shareholders.
  • Operating business under good corporate governance.
  • Disclosing information with transparency, completeness, sufficiency and timeliness.


  • Career path, work and life stability.
  • Appropriate remuneration and welfare.
  • Knowledge and skill development.
  • Equality and fairness.
  • Listening to opinions and suggestions.

Participation Guidelines

  • Performance appraisal.
  • Monthly meetings for executives/employees.
  • Providing seminars and other activities.
  • Development of knowledge and skills for executives/employees.
  • Yearly Employee Satisfaction Survey.
  • Opening for complaints and suggestions.

Practices to Achieve Values for Stakeholders

  • Appropriate and fair management of remuneration.
  • Providing job opportunities and career development.
  • Supporting and developing capabilities of employees.
  • Fair treatment of employees.
Clients/Accounts Receivable


  • Good and fast services to meet Clients’ needs.
  • Financial service expansion.
  • Understanding and preparing to respond to Clients’ needs.
  • Confidentiality of Clients’ information.
  • Participating in Company’s activities.
  • Listening to opinions and suggestions.

Participation Guidelines

  • Communication through various channels.
  • Clients visits.
  • Standard operating procedures.
  • Innovative and technology for better services.

Practices to Achieve Values for Stakeholders

  • Developments of products and services to meet Clients’ needs.
  • Creating trust and reliability for Clients.
  • Clients’ Satisfaction Survey.
  • Responsiveness and management to Clients’ complaints.


  • Loan repayment as scheduled.
  • Complying with conditions and agreements in a contract.
  • Fair business operations.

Participation Guidelines

  • Meetings.
  • Arranging activities to build relationship.
  • Communication through various channels.
  • Opening for complaints and suggestions.

Practices to Achieve Values for Stakeholders

  • Complying with the contract as agreed with the creditors.
  • Providing complete and transparent information.
  • Building confidence with the creditors with regards to operating performance, complete information and punctuality.


  • Complying with specified conditions.
  • Dealing with partners with fairness.
  • Supporting various businesses.
  • Engaging in problem solving.

Participation Guidelines

  • Meetings.
  • Sharing opinions and suggestions.
  • Arranging activities to build relationship.
  • Communication through various channels.
  • Opening for complaints and suggestions.

Practices to Achieve Values for Stakeholders

  • Strictly complying with trade terms and agreements.
  • Fair criteria in partner’s selection.


  • Operating business with fairness and transparency.

Participation Guidelines

  • Competition with fairness.
  • Business collaboration.

Practices to Achieve Values for Stakeholders

  • Complying with the laws and competition rules.
Community, Society and Environment


  • Supporting social activities that are beneficial to the community, society and environment.
  • Willing to participate in environmental conservation.
  • Participating in anti-corruption activities.

Participation Guidelines

  • Participating in activities with the community and society.
  • Listening to and sharing opinions.
  • Opening for complaints and suggestions.

Practices to Achieve Values for Stakeholders

  • Supporting public activities that are beneficial to the community, religion, charity and society.
  • Building the conscious mind regarding energy savings, waste of resources and natural resource conservation.
Regulatory Bodies and Government Agencies


  • Compliance with the specified rules and guidelines.
  • Participating in activities.

Participation Guidelines

  • Ensuring strict compliance with the rules of regulatory bodies.
  • Collaboration and coordination in respect to good corporate governance.
  • Monitoring and participating in activities regularly.

Practices to Achieve Values for Stakeholders

  • Strict compliance with the specified rules.