• Sustainable Growth
  • Risk Management
  • Digital Development
  • Corporate Governance and Code of Conduct
Sustainable Growth

The Company does not only focus on profit and growth, but also value clients’ satisfaction, to ensure Sustainable Growth. The Company emphasizes on structured management and good client relationship by constantly evaluating clients’ opinion and suggestion from various channels. Moreover, the Company analyzes and studies the clients’ behavior to understand the needs and expectations of clients in each business sector. The information will be used in the planning of yearly business objectives to expand business and opportunities. The Company continually search for new business and services, to support small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), to become the leading factoring company in Thailand.

Risk Management

The Company recognizes the importance of risk management by implementing Risk Management policies throughout the whole organization. Risk issues, potential impacts, and the possibility of the events happening are thoroughly identified. The revision of the risk issues will take place where the issues tend to occur and to prioritize the risk management plan. Therefore, the Management reports the results of risk management to the Risk Management Committee every quarter, to revise and evaluate the risk management of each issue that may occur.

The Company also revised the exposurte guidelines for single client and single customer (buyer) based on risk tolerance and the Company’s annual profit to manage the risk in a sustainable way. In addition, the Company engages internal auditors from IFS Capital Limited (IFS Singapore) to review the operations and internal control of each department, to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of the systems of the Company. Moreover, they have to review the operations procedures of each department and report directly to the Audit Committee.

Digital Development

The Company recognizes the need to keep pace with the changing global environment by exploring and providing new technology to help in the work which may help the Company to scale up our efficiency and helps to raise our customer experiences.

The Company will focus on doing more business through the Digital Factoring Platform to increase options for SMEs to gain more and more convenient access to funding sources, which helps Micro SMEs to obtain funding using the digital invoices.

Corporate Governance and Code of Conduct

The Company recognizes the importance of corporate governance by setting corporate governance policies to implement corporate governance in accordance with its objectives, defined goals, and direction of the organization, including business ethics that covers various policies of the company in order to be used as guidelines for conducting business with transparency and fairness to all groups of stakeholders such as Anti-corruption policy, Fraudulence/Corruption Prevention policy, Conflict of Interest policy, etc., including channels for receiving complaints, whistleblowing and measures to protect those who make complaints or report the clues.

In addition, the company places great importance on data security, customer privacy and personal information and protection of customer personal information that is collected, used or disclosed by establishing a personal data protection working group and appointing the Data Protection Officer (DPO) who play an important role in maintaining personal data in their area of responsibility in the organization and perform their duties according to an operational framework that is consistent with the Personal Data Protection Act B.E.2562.